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How To Create Your Dream Kitchen on a Budget

Jan 17, 2023
Keith Ingle
How To Create Your Dream Kitchen on a Budget

One of the most exciting remodeling projects a homeowner can take on is a kitchen renovation. The kitchen is the special place where you cook meals for your family and make memories together that you can cherish for a lifetime.

You’ll likely spend a lot of time in your kitchen. Therefore, you want this space to be something that is comfortable, functional, inviting, and beautiful. However, you don’t want to break the bank for your renovation. So you’ll need some helpful tips to keep you from overspending throughout the process. Here’s how to create your dream kitchen on a budget.

Create a Solid Plan

First and foremost, you’ll need to create a solid plan when building your dream kitchen on a budget. You never want to go into a renovation without a clear plan and intention. Poor planning will result in chaos, stress, and likely spending more money than you hoped to originally.

Therefore, you should draft a solid plan of what your goal is with this kitchen remodeling project and the methods you will use to get there. Make your plan as detailed as possible, so you can reference it throughout your project and check things off your list as you go.

Determine Which Elements To Keep

Next, you’ll want to determine which elements to keep. Depending on the type of remodeling you will be doing, not everything in your kitchen will necessarily need updating. For example, you may already have the perfect appliances, but you want to update your countertops and cabinetry. In that case, you can keep the appliances you have, saving you a significant amount of money in the long run and helping you stay on budget with your remodel.

Determine Which Elements To Update

You should also determine which elements to update. As you think about which features within your kitchen to keep, you should also think about which features you are going to change. For example, maybe you want better storage solutions, more modern countertop materials, statement lighting fixtures, and a waterfall island. Make a note of all the changes you want to make to your kitchen and write them down on paper, so you can reference them easily.

Estimate Your Costs

Once you know which elements you’re keeping and which you’re updating, you can begin to estimate your costs. For this step, you will need to reference the list of elements you want to change or update within your kitchen space. You should also make a list of any potential services or labor costs, in case you don’t plan to do specific renovations yourself. Then, calculate the estimated costs of all of these different elements and add them together for a total estimate of project costs.

Set an Appropriate Budget

After estimating your costs, you can set an appropriate budget for your kitchen remodeling project. Now that you know what the costs of the project look like, you can determine how much you are willing to spend. A lot of people like to make their budget a bit flexible, so they can have some wiggle room. However, you want to avoid setting your budget too high, or you may suffer financially in the long run. Be realistic with your budget to avoid breaking the bank while still creating the kitchen of your dreams.

Cut Costs When Possible

When sticking to a budget, try to cut costs when possible. There will be a lot of opportunities throughout your project to either spend more or spend less. Ultimately, you want to spend less as often as possible without sacrificing the quality of your final result.

One of the best ways to do this is by cutting labor costs. If you can perform several renovations yourself, you should. Labor costs can get expensive, and if you can DIY your project, you will save some money that you can use elsewhere throughout the process.

Source Affordable Materials

Sourcing affordable materials is another way to keep your kitchen renovation within budget. Note, when we use the term affordable, by no means do we mean cheap. Materials can be affordable without looking cheap, outdated, or unattractive.

Countertop materials are a perfect example of an opportunity to source more affordable materials that still look luxurious and expensive but don’t cost as much as their high-end alternatives. For example, if you want marble countertops but want to save some money, you can utilize quartz instead. Quartz tends to be less expensive while still providing the same look and feel as marble.

Utilize RTA Cabinetry Options

You can also utilize ready-to-assemble (RTA) cabinetry options as a great way to update your kitchen space without overspending. These cabinets arrive unassembled, so they are an opportunity to cut labor costs by doing the assembling yourself. Plus, they are generally affordable and readily available, making them an easy budgeting hack to take advantage of.

Avoid Too Many Custom Projects

Throughout your remodeling, you’ll want to avoid too many custom projects. There are all kinds of things you can have custom-made for your kitchen renovation, such as cabinetry, countertops, and islands. And there’s nothing wrong with wanting a custom piece here or there, but it will cost significantly more and take longer to make. Therefore, it’s in your best interest to resist the urge to go custom with everything, especially when trying to stay on budget.

Know When To Splurge and When To Be Frugal

And, of course, it helps to know when to splurge and when to be frugal. This project is yours to direct how you wish, so if you want to splurge in some places and save in others, the choice is up to you. But it helps to know when to do so. You don’t want to splurge on every item, as that will likely bring you over your budget. However, if you’ve been dreaming of a state-of-the-art oven, you can decide to splurge there and save in other areas.

Now that you know how to remodel your kitchen on a budget, you can utilize these helpful strategies in your project. Be sure to check out iCabinetry’s stunning selection of kitchen cabinets for sale online as you source your materials.

How To Create Your Dream Kitchen on a Budget

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